Friday, November 21, 2008

Sweet Michelle vs Evil Cancer

Well folks, the second surgery went well and they are confidant that they got all of the cancer out. So this is GOOD NEWS. Michelle is finally out from under the knife and that f------ disease has been cut out. She phoned me this evening from the ICU and it was an unmitigated joy to hear her voice, I must say. (To borrow from Ed Grimley). Her spirits are just what you would imagine. She is quite the trooper. (I want her on my side forever.)
Thank you everyone for your prayers and thoughts and...well...vibes.
Now comes the follow up..she should be home in 5 days. She finally gets to be back in her own bed with her little doggie Kukla for company. Then comes six weeks of healing before the radiation begins.
I will pass along your greetings.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Evil Cancer

My excellent friend Michelle was diagnosed with cancer last month. She was told that she had 6 months to live or submit to a possibly radical facial surgery. Being the courageous trooper that she is, she of course opted for the surgery. "I want to BE here!" she said to me.
Yesterday our Mizshely underwent a horrendous surgery that removed her nose, her maxillary and ethmoid sinuses, part of her upper lip and a minute part of her hard palate. Unbelievably awful. While they were operating they discovered more cancer just at the edge of her skull, behind her eyebrows.
Now there is more to come as they will have to also take skin and blood vessels from another part of her body to aid in reconstruction of this brow area. The reconstuction of the entire middle of her face is a whole other ball game.
If there is actually anyone out there in cyberspace who reads my blog, PLEASE think of Michelle now and then and send her all your best thoughts. I believe that energy sent en masse actually can affect outcomes. If you call it prayer, then pray just once today for all you're worth, for my Michelle. She has spent her lifetime doing for others. Now it's our turn to do for her. Peace and Thank You a thousand times.