Yesterday our Mizshely underwent a horrendous surgery that removed her nose, her maxillary and ethmoid sinuses, part of her upper lip and a minute part of her hard palate. Unbelievably awful. While they were operating they discovered more cancer just at the edge of her skull, behind her eyebrows.
Now there is more to come as they will have to also take skin and blood vessels from another part of her body to aid in reconstruction of this brow area. The reconstuction of the entire middle of her face is a whole other ball game.
If there is actually anyone out there in cyberspace who reads my blog, PLEASE think of Michelle now and then and send her all your best thoughts. I believe that energy sent en masse actually can affect outcomes. If you call it prayer, then pray just once today for all you're worth, for my Michelle. She has spent her lifetime doing for others. Now it's our turn to do for her. Peace and Thank You a thousand times.
Darlene, There are lots of us out here praying and hoping beyond all hope that this will all be fixable. It is hard to imagine what she is going to you. Be strong for Mizshely. Looking forward to the day we can all celebrate her 60th birthday together. It will happen, and she will be healthy again!
Sheree in Portland
I have only been in email contact with Michelle over the years, but I too wish her the best.
Corry Arnold
Chapel Hill, NC
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